Publications, Research and Papers
With a deep commitment to supporting children, young people, and their families, my qualifications and professional experience reflect both my dedication to this field and my ability to create practical, evidence-based solutions.
Publications, Research and Podcasts
Rees, K (2024) The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties; An Educator’s Guide. Jessica Kingsley Publishers (to be published, February 2024)
Frost, K., Lerpiniere, J., McCrory, S., & Rees, K. (2021). Coping with Covid: Parents and carers' sessions to support the wellbeing of children and young people. Educational Psychology in Scotland, 21(1), 65-73.
Rees, K. (2019). Understanding parents' and education staff perceptions of progress for young children with PMLD. Japanese Journal of Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities, 44(2), 316316.
Rees, K. (2017). Models of disability and the categorization of children with severe and profound learning difficulties: Informing educational approaches based on an understanding of individual needs. Educational & Child Psychology, 34(4), 30-39.
Rees, K., Tully, S., & Ferguson, K. (2017). "This is theirs": The implementation of the South Lanarkshire Framework for supporting pupils with severe and profound needs. Educational Review, 49(1), 67-88.
Rees, K. (2016). Integrating Functional Assessment with Strengths-Based Approaches: A Case Study. Open Journal of Educational Psychology.s here
Rees, K. (2014). Using Innovative Approaches to Addressing Challenging Behaviours. PMLD Link, 26(3).
Framework for supporting children with severe and profound learning needs (lead author)
The Psychology of Business Podcast. Educational psychology and Disability with Kirstie Rees
Ed Psych Bite podcast
Assessing the Mental health of neurodivergent children and young people at school.
Listening to your child even when they can’t use their voice
Presentations and Workshops
Leading Inclusive Learning Conference, Optimus Education, November 20th, 2024. ‘Working Effectively with parents’
Optimus Education Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools Conference ‘ ‘Supporting Neurodiversity.’ November 15th, 2024.
The Festival of Education, Wellington College, Understanding and Supporting the Mental Health of Children with SEND.’ July 5th, 2024.
Reed Educational Psychology Talks ‘The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young people with Learning Difficulties.’ May 2024.
World Education Summit. ‘The Mental Health and wellbeing of Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties.’ March 18-21st, 2024.
PMLD conference ‘The Mental health of People with PMLD’ February 2024
Association of Child and Mental Health (ACAMH) webinar. I hate Mondays! – Why children and young people don’t go to school, and how to support them. June 2023.
University of Dundee, Neurosymposium: A Neuroconstructivist Approach to supporting children with aetiologies Supporting Children with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. February 2021.
Japan National SMID Conference (Tokyo and Okayama) Exploring Parents and Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Development for Children with S/PIMD. September 2019.
IASSID (The World Conference for the International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) (Glasgow) Exploring Parents’ and Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Development. August 2019.
SDEP/DECP Conference: Wellbeing; Crossing Borders (Glasgow) Chair. April 2019.
PITL (Promoting Inclusion, Transforming Lives) International Conference (Dundee). Supporting Children with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. April 2018.
Association of Teachers of Psychology Conference (Perth) Mental Health and the Role of the Educational Psychologist. April 2018.
IASSIDD Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (Switzerland)
Special Interest Research Group (SIRG-PIMD) Early Career Researchers’ Meeting. August 2017. -
Scottish Educational Research Association Conference (Dundee) The South Lanarkshire Framework for Supporting Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. November 2016.
ASL and Technology Conference, CALL Scotland (Edinburgh) The South Lanark shire Framework for Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. June 2017.
SDEP Annual Conference (Edinburgh) The South Lanarkshire Framework for Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. October 2015.
SDEP Literacy Conference (Edinburgh) Assessing and addressing Literacy Difficulties in Early Primary. May 2014.
BILD Positive Behaviour Support International Research and Practice Conference (Glasgow) Combining Functional Analyses with strengths-based approaches to assess and address the behaviour of children and young people with SLD/PMLD. Annual Conference. April 2014.
12th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (Glasgow) Evaluation of the ‘Friends for Life’ Programme in Inverclyde. August 2008.