Publications, Research and Papers

With a deep commitment to supporting children, young people, and their families, my qualifications and professional experience reflect both my dedication to this field and my ability to create practical, evidence-based solutions.

Publications, Research and Podcasts

  • Rees, K (2024) The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties; An Educator’s Guide. Jessica Kingsley Publishers  (to be published, February 2024)

  • Frost, K., Lerpiniere, J., McCrory, S., & Rees, K. (2021). Coping with Covid: Parents and carers' sessions to support the wellbeing of children and young people. Educational Psychology in Scotland, 21(1), 65-73.

  • Rees, K. (2019). Understanding parents' and education staff perceptions of progress for young children with PMLD. Japanese Journal of Severe Motor and Intellectual Disabilities, 44(2), 316316.

  • Rees, K. (2017). Models of disability and the categorization of children with severe and profound learning difficulties: Informing educational approaches based on an understanding of individual needs. Educational & Child Psychology, 34(4), 30-39.

  • Rees, K., Tully, S., & Ferguson, K. (2017). "This is theirs": The implementation of the South Lanarkshire Framework for supporting pupils with severe and profound needs. Educational Review, 49(1), 67-88.

  • Rees, K. (2016). Integrating Functional Assessment with Strengths-Based Approaches: A Case Study. Open Journal of Educational Psychology.s here

  • Rees, K. (2014). Using Innovative Approaches to Addressing Challenging Behaviours. PMLD Link, 26(3).

  • Framework for supporting children with severe and profound learning needs (lead author)

  • The Psychology of Business Podcast. Educational psychology and Disability with Kirstie Rees

  • Ed Psych Bite podcast

  • Assessing the Mental health of neurodivergent children and young people at school.

  • Listening to your child even when they can’t use their voice

Presentations and Workshops

  • Leading Inclusive Learning Conference, Optimus Education, November 20th, 2024. ‘Working Effectively with parents’

  • Optimus Education Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools Conference ‘ ‘Supporting Neurodiversity.’ November 15th, 2024.

  • The Festival of Education, Wellington College, Understanding and Supporting the Mental Health of Children with SEND.’ July 5th, 2024.

  • Reed Educational Psychology Talks ‘The Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young people with Learning Difficulties.’ May 2024.

  • World Education Summit. ‘The Mental Health and wellbeing of Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties.’ March 18-21st, 2024.

  • PMLD conference ‘The Mental health of People with PMLD’ February  2024

  • Association of Child and Mental Health (ACAMH) webinar. I hate Mondays! – Why children and young people don’t go to school, and how to support them. June 2023.

  • University of Dundee, Neurosymposium: A Neuroconstructivist Approach to supporting children with aetiologies Supporting Children with Severe and Profound Learning Needs.  February 2021.

  • Japan National SMID Conference (Tokyo and Okayama) Exploring Parents and Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Development for Children with S/PIMD. September 2019.

  • IASSID (The World Conference for the International Association of the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) (Glasgow) Exploring Parents’ and Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Development. August 2019.

  • SDEP/DECP Conference: Wellbeing; Crossing Borders (Glasgow) Chair. April 2019.

  • PITL (Promoting Inclusion, Transforming Lives) International Conference (Dundee). Supporting Children with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. April 2018.

  • Association of Teachers of Psychology Conference (Perth) Mental Health and the Role of the Educational Psychologist. April 2018.

  • IASSIDD Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (Switzerland)
    Special Interest Research Group (SIRG-PIMD) Early Career Researchers’ Meeting. August 2017.

  • Scottish Educational Research Association Conference (Dundee) The South Lanarkshire Framework for Supporting Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. November 2016.

  • ASL and Technology Conference, CALL Scotland (Edinburgh) The South Lanark shire Framework for Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Needs. June 2017.

  • SDEP Annual Conference (Edinburgh) The South Lanarkshire Framework for Pupils with Severe and Profound Learning Needs.  October 2015.

  • SDEP Literacy Conference (Edinburgh) Assessing and addressing Literacy Difficulties in Early Primary. May 2014.

  • BILD Positive Behaviour Support International Research and Practice Conference (Glasgow) Combining Functional Analyses with strengths-based approaches to assess and address the behaviour of children and young people with SLD/PMLD. Annual Conference. April 2014.

  • 12th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (Glasgow) Evaluation of the ‘Friends for Life’ Programme in Inverclyde. August 2008.