"Unfolding Potential and Enhancing Mental Health"

Dr. Kirstie Rees - Child & Educational Psychologist

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Dr. Kirstie Rees is a Child and Educational Psychologist specialised in neurodiversity, learning difficulties and disability, mental health and wellbeing, and staff training and support...


Do you support children, young people or adults who are neurodiverse, or who have learning difficulties and disabilities? 

Would you like to have more assessment tools and strategies that you can use to enhance their mental health and wellbeing and develop their coping strategies?

Are you seeking consultation, to develop your skills and support you in your role?

Are you trying to make sense of what a child or young person’s development might look like, and how you can support them to make progress?

Do you struggle to work out how the children, young people or adults you support are feeling, or what their behaviours mean?


I am a child and educational psychologist specialised in the areas of disability, neurodiversity, and mental health and wellbeing. I am passionate about supporting children and young people with learning disabilities and a firm believer that our cultural and social environment has a significant impact on how we understand children’s needs and diagnoses, and how they grow and learn.

With both personal and professional experience of disability, I work closely with parents and professionals so that they feel better equipped to promote the progress and enhance the mental health and wellbeing of the children and young people they support. I develop practical assessment and intervention tools that can be used at home or in a busy classroom setting, and my therapeutic skills and extensive experience allow me to adapt strategies to meet individual needs.

The work that I do emphasises the importance of obtaining an in-depth knowledge of a child or young person and is underpinned by a strong relationship-based approach.